Warp ohlasuje nový album Briana Ena
21.4.2011 | Autor: Jakub Juhás | sekce: novinky
Label Warp vydá 4. júla 2011 pod svojou značkou druhý Enov album s názvom Drums Between the Bells. Brian Eno tu spolupracuje so slovom Ricka Hollanda (okrem Hollanda hlasom prispeje Eno, Grazyna Goworek, Caroline Wildi, Laura Spagnuolo, Elisha Mudly Aylie Cooke, Nick Robertson a Anastasia Afonina). Projekt bol dokončený následne po vidaní Enovho posledného albumu Small Craft on a Milk Sea. Vypočujte si prvý príspevok menom Glitch.
Brian Eno - glitch (taken from Drums Between The Bells) by Warp Records
Brian Eno - glitch (taken from Drums Between The Bells) by Warp Records
01 - Bless this Space
02 - Glitch
03 - Dreambirds
04 - Pour it Out
05 - Seedpods
06 - The Real
07 - The Airman
08 - Fierce Aisles of Light
09 - As If Your Eyes Were Partly Closed as if You Honed the Swirl Within Them and Offered Me... the World
10 - A Title
11 - Sounds Alien
12 - Dow
13 - Multimedia
14 - Cloud 4
15 - Breath of Crows
01 - Bless this Space
02 - Glitch
03 - Dreambirds
04 - Pour it Out
05 - Seedpods
06 - The Real
07 - The Airman
08 - Fierce Aisles of Light
09 - As If Your Eyes Were Partly Closed as if You Honed the Swirl Within Them and Offered Me... the World
10 - A Title
11 - Sounds Alien
12 - Dow
13 - Multimedia
14 - Cloud 4
15 - Breath of Crows
Online verze stránky: https://www.muzikus.cz/novinky/Warp-ohlasuje-novy-album-Briana-Ena~21~duben~2011/