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Intuitive Music Orchestra (RU)


Intuitive Music Orchestra (IMO) - is unique creative being wich its creators do not intend to define making links with something that is already known or comparing it with something that already exists.
All that musicians perfom is never rehearsed or repeated - Sun shines with no rehearsals. There's just a great low of Harmony and all happens according to it.
Musicians us more then 50 various drums, rubap, sitar, igil, gijak, mouth harp, fretless bass, double bass, English horn, alto and soprano saxes, about 10 different sorts of flutes, duduk, gongs, bells, cymbals, metallophon, didgeridoo, more then 100 types of small percussion instruments and a human voice of course.
The IMO amassed a large discography in a shot amount of time. By the 2007 release of Be Careful! The Doors Are Opening, they had already released four other records in as many years. Be careful! was embraced by the world music community throughout Europe, becoming one of the most successful experimental releases of the year.
Intuitive Music Orchestra has been twice invited to the most prestigious international festival of independent music SXSW 2008 and SXSW 2009 in Austin, the USA where has amazed public with the magic music. Also took part in many musical festivals in Czechia, Greece, Egypt, Russia and Ukraine.
The composition "Inner Voice" from an album "Light of Sirius" has entered among the top 1500 of 16th annual Billboard World Song Contest in 2009
Intuitive Music Orchestra has been selected as a "Finalist" in the July 2008 of the Song of the Year song and liric competitions.
Orchestra' music can be heard on more than 150 radio stations of the world.


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